wow that's really interesting..

well here's some ammo for those wanting to bash marriage: :P

Honeymoon: "The word first appears in the 16th century. The honey is a reference to the sweetness of a new marriage. And the moon is not a reference to the lunar-based month, but rather a bitter acknowledgement that this sweetness, like a full moon, would quickly fade."

Colonel: is originally Italian, a colonel being the commander of a military column or in Italian colonna. The French adopted the military rank, and in so doing switched the L for R (L/R switches are a common pronunciation shift).

English adopted the French word, with an R spelling coronell in the mid-16th century. Starting in the late-16th century, translations of Italian military treatises started using the etymologically correct L spelling, and by the mid-17th century, colonel was the accepted English spelling. But the R pronunciation was firmly established and did not change.