Dear RR,

I don't know exacty what is the intension behind your curiosity regarding the words samarthu and arakka kunam.

Anyway let us know the roots. They are tamil words only.

samarthu= sam+ar+thu

Sam is the root word which I specified in the thread 'clarification', was um-am-sam and means 'ontru seruthal'.

sammanthi- 'ontru seruthal'-mingling of two parents.

samam- equality(mingling of two persons)

Note sama panthi- samathuvam etc.

samar-pore-battle of two persons of equal power

Likewise when an extraordinary behaviour mingles with one person with equal foot, that is called SAMARTHU.

samarthiasali is from the same root.

ARAKKA KUNAM- Kunam every body knows.

Arakkam-root is 'aram' (small ra in tamil alphabet) ; means red.

Arabia,the word, formed from this root. Arabian people are reddish.

When any person turns red he becomes angry and fights with others without considering the outcome.

All foolish fighters are having 'arakka kunam'

Mars a planet for no. 9 people in nemerology is having red in colour.

All over the world red is considered as fighting tendency.
