MalayaLam - Meh..sideways. That is nothing of a step forward to previous year or the previous year or the previous year..etc
Tamil - Still long time to go, but so far dreadful comp. to last year, no?
Kannada - indha Girish Kasaravalli'lam 'industry'la serkkama irunga pliss..
Hindi - Definitely not forward. Shangai a disappointment, but still indha alavu evanum inga 'direct' panna illaiyE. adhaan kavalai. But as Plum said, remba hype vOnam. Maybe GoW would change my mind..
Telugu - Naan-E step forward in some ways for the industry, so adhulla irundhE theriyin enna nelamai'nu
Marathi - Hearing good stuff, but haven't really cared much. To hunt for decent rips and all, is a bore..
Bengali - No idea..