Mr.FSG had given excessive importance to R.Mathivanan’s alleged Deciphering of Indus Pictogram Symobls as Clear Tamil.

I had then explained it was false reading wrongly the script is Originally from Right to Left [like Arabi and Hebrew] by reading it from Left to right, total Upsurd. Let Us Thank Mr.Aravindan for Confirming it.

Friends, FSG also in another post said Mathivanan finding a BiLingual Seal of dated to 1600BCE, having both Indus and Brami inscriptions from Srilanka. THIRD RATE FORGERY and details are as follows.

Srilankan Seal was found by archaeological team led by K.Indrapala of the University of Jaffna excavated a megalithic burial complex at Anaikoddai in Jaffna District, SriLanka. In one of the burials, a metal seal was found assigned by the excavators to ca.3rd century B.C.
The Seal’s Brahmi portion is dechiphered as ko ve ta. Mathivanan, twisted this as tivu-ko, King of Island, again not in the Seal. By dating meaninglessly 300BCE Seal and Misreading to get a meaning are the Techiniques, Mathivanan further forgery continues.

A Metal Coin found near Alur in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. The circular thick coin (probably in lead) features a horse on the obverse and some illegible symbols on the reverse. Numismatic experts date it 200CE, Sathavana coin. Mathivanan’s Forgery- Drawing it reads it as Nanda from actually illegible as Nanda, calling it as Pre Mauryan period, i.e. the 300BCE Srilanka Seal as 1600 BCE and 200CE as somewhere close to 700BCE, claiming a Continuity. Third Rate Forgery Continues.

Forgery-3. Indus Script found in a Tribal Santhal village in Bihar

A Legendery claim was made 1993, by One Verma, that in Bihar Santhal Village, Indus Script is still alive and Deciphered words in Sanskrit, Hebrew, Persian-Arabic and English. Mr.Mathivanan took Verma and visited Santhal Village and Met the Temple Priest who was regularly wrinting with Indus Scripts. The Colour Photos in the Book of Mathiwanan were drawn on Recently Whitewashed Walls by learned man and not a Tribal, mostsly by seeing Published Seals. Another Worst Forgery.

Again earlier Verma read- so many Language words; now all are Tamil ofcourse with few IndoEuropean Loan words Tamilised also. MATHIWANAN also read it as LEFT TO RIGHT the Symbols actually written in opposite Direction.

Further Tamil has only 30 Letters; i.e., Vuyir 12 + Mei 18, But Indus has 419 Pictograms- Mathivanan has almost assigned 40 Symbols with single Tamil Letter. FORGERY TO the Core.

Friends- the method of Mathivanan was so sad for the Entire Indian Scholarship, and also as in his earlier book he has expressed all meaningless Linguistic Claims held by Pavanar (KumariKandam Legends & Natural Language), all this made his book as a laughing Stock in International Scholarship.

I shall explain on Potters Graffiti Techniques in my next posting and later Why Indus Deciphering claims of Parpola and I.MAhadevan are all Speculations, and for the present it be looked as Undeciphered and not Dravidian or Sanskrit.

Friends, The Political Cliamate in Tamilnadu helps these forgeries and I am Putting a detailed forgery In HIstorical Distorters Thread.

Friends, I regard Tamil And Sanskrit both have been developed in India, and as Rig Veda has close to 500 Tamil words, both are of equal Antiquity, but Tamil Literature available from 200BCE only whereas Sanskrit Vedas are from 2000BCE.


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