Hi Manoj,
Do you have any historical record to validate the contents in your posts, like criminal records from British rulers, documents of any such mischiefs recoreded by Ettayapuram Jamin or any thing. Please understand, the unwritten poems and folk arts of south districts among the village people still praises Kattapomman.

More over the presence of famous dalit warrior Veeran Sundaralingam as a leading commander of his army shakes your critical view stating Kattabomman as casteist.

Then your comment about him as selfish (not a real broad minded or national level) is doubtful because no selfish fellow will raise the sword against british army consisting much much higher number of soldiers and death was sure for those who raise the voice against them. Fighting against British army, ne selfish guy with fear about death can't imagine. It is possible only by a braveheart with lot of self respect.

The difference beween terrorist and a freedom fighter is very thin and all depending on which side you are standing. Even Nethaji was a terorist in British point of view. But the true definition should based on the feelings of suppressed people, not from the views of suppressors.

So, please read the history unbiased and write in detail again with proofs.