blahblah, this woman Laxmi Rao's humanism towards such men doesnt surprise me at all. Women with such dark age mentality unfortunately exists to this day. When a man commits a crime of passion, it is the woman's fault. The man walks rightly back to his family as if nothing has ever happened. Though, when a woman is put under the spot light, she's a whor*.

Why punish the whole family for one man's misdeed, they say. Well, I say the plight of such a family is not the community's problem. As the sole breadwinner, the evil one should've been responsible enough to think before succumbing to lust. His primary concern should have his family not sex. Besides, if he was a man with a straight mind, he would not have commited such heinous act.

Therefore, Laxmi Rao should be admitted to a mental asylum and not transfered elsewhere for she is one dangerous woman to be left alone amongst the commonfolk. She is definitely not fit be part of the bench.