Looks like people are a bit shy to talk about those days for fear of being understood as too old.

I used to enjoy thumbing through my parents' photo albums, lot and lot of black and white photos..my father's college time pics travelling on NCC tours, some quaint old trains, lot of pictures of my mother and her friends....the natural surroundings, roads, everything looked very "uncrowded' with nobody around in sight.

Some major features of those pics:
1. Almost every male had a moustache

2. The only type of specs was the black rimmed thick specs - Ladies always had Oval specs

3. Ladies were mostly in sleeveless blouses. There is an English friend of my mum standing in front of her London home in a sleeveless blouse and saree!

4. Nobody ever smiled in any photograph whether it is posing or getting a prize

5. The sad part is that even as late as late 70s and early 80s, they used to leave long hair on little boys and comb them into 2 plaits. I was a victim of that though I would be merrily grinning in the photo

6. There used to be an aluminium box which was the most common school bag used by guys.

7. The best things are the letters and greeting cards to your parents from their friends - They would be well scripted with beautiful running handwriting, mostly English and some few paragraphs of Tamil...I still mention them to my parents' friends and they would immediately take a fond trip of nostalgia.....