Wow! Astonished to find this thread as I'm always int'd to know abt the 1960s & '70s myself!
I'm very much into the '60s & '70s for sum reason & sumtimes even wish I was living in those times!
Infact I (seriously!) sport a '70s hairstyle (w/ side-burns etc. ), often wear '70s style clothes (long collared shirts, bell-cut pants etc.!) and even like '60s cars like Standard Herald (responsible for my 'Stan her' ID ) & bikes.....
I also watch mainly '70s bollywood movies & now trying to collect 'antiques' dating from the '60s & '70s......much to my mother's discomfort! Planning to buy a 1971 HMV record player from sumone here!
So I'd be very keen to learn more abt these 2 decades from sum so-called elderly hubbers!
Do feel free to share ur memories/experiences......and yes, also let me know if u've ne items (viz. radios) from tat era to sell.......