Quote Originally Posted by jaiganes

What is so very incredible about this?

An organisation that works so efficiently to pin point and assist SL govt, is sleeping at the Paki and Bangladeshi gates not once or twice, but counting from the second Mumbai blast to Delhi blast to the recent one and the ones to follow all under the current regime of Manmohana and Sonia. If it can work efficiently in a foreign country in a setting so alien, then working in Pakistan and Bangladesh must be a piece of cake with the 'blending in' so easy to achieve. They are not ordered to that effect by political masters - As simple as it is - there is no need to be suspicious about this because it is politics.
Pachchaya solla pona, hard steps towards tracking and crushing panna pona idiotic parties like Left , SP and other mindless udhiris will raise hue and cry painting tough measures against ISI sponsored terrorism as 'anti minority' policy. This is the electoral fear that is preventing Congress govt to pussy foot. However Manmohan sonia group will not worry a little bit when they have to ask RAW to 'help' SLA to give location of School or Hospital that has to be bombed. As the article in rediff said - blood is on the hands of India - it is innocent blood - not that of prabhakaran and LTTE - they had anyways made their appointment with death since the days of cyanide - but that of the people who were in NE. This will prove costly not today or tomorrow - but some other day - Fortunately or unfortunately the sinners of today will not be in the top post then.

However varisu arasiyal is giving me hopes that atleast someone from their family will be there when the comeuppance comes calling.
Something worthy of my visit to the hub after a long time.