Quote Originally Posted by Madhu Sree
not really...
ofcourse tis impressive, onnu rendu programmes nallaa illana, odane ottumoththa tv programmes-um kevalamnu oru group sollittu thiriyaradhaala vandha vinai thaan... ppl avanga mindset maathikkanum...
Is it...?. If it is so, why no sufficient nominations for TV section ?. (not sufficient, nothing, except one).

Why moderators were pushed to through the poll in to scrap for this section..?

Why no interest from hubbers for nomination..?
(these ponts strengthen my argument)

Quote Originally Posted by Madhu Sree
moreover frequent hubbers are missing nowadays
but there were sufficient nominations in film section / music section etc.
Quote Originally Posted by Madhu Sree
i sincerly nominated from my part...
yes, I saw ONLY ONE nomination that too on the last date, that was from you. No one shown any interest, even the nomination period was kept opened for nearly 15 days.