Some tips for the weaning starters!!

First of all it is advisable to breast-feed the child up to 6 months, though some say you can start after four months.

1. Start with one sort of a veg. and see if your baby is allergic of it or not.

2. Vegs to start are Kohlrabi (Noolkohl) Zucchini, Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower, squash or Potatoes. Earlier days Carrots are also said to be good, but now they found out it can also be allergic. For fruits mild apples, pears and peach are good starters. Omit acidic fruits.

3. No cow milk/ dairy products up to 1 year old. We Asians are very likely to be lactose intolerant.
So, it's better to be a bit cautious with our kids.

4. Gluten included grains such as Rye, Wheat, Barley & spelt can lead to Coeliac disease. When introducing these buy Gluten free products.