Quote Originally Posted by kannannn
Pretenders, move aside! The Master is back!!
Dude, I'm sorry, but Tarantino is the biggest pretender of all!!!!!!!

I'm really sorry, but Tarantino is the most ridiculously overrated film-maker of all time!!! His films may have some style, but he freely copies from other films - especially films from the far east... and then he claims that he's just doing a "homage"... His films may have style, but seriously lack substance... "Pulp fiction" and "Kill Bill" were full of crap... (although Samuel L Jackson in "Pulp Fiction" performed well... but that's because he's a talented actor...

I don't mean any disrespect... but come on man... Seriously...

Tarantino's films are nothing but cheap trash aimed at brainless teenagers who think things like blowing a man's head off, swearing (particularly using the n-word and the f-word), quoting passages from the bible, etc... are "cool"...

Seriously... there are so many other film-makers out there who have much films so much better than Tarantino's rubbish... Can't believe or understand the reason he's glorified as if he's some kind of genius...