Quote Originally Posted by Shakthiprabha
pp maam

Now, I wonder if I got it right

Heroine is NOT daine, but gita !
Nitin is her son ! (gita's)
and the gentleman is nitin's dad i.e. her husband!

Daine has no feelings! Shez just there as on onlooker.i.e. co-passenger.. Its gita who is narrating it

oh my god....

I really am thinking if I imagined my own story now
I'm so sorry you two! Shakthi you have got it right!!! and PP Maam I understand where your confusion stems from...I have gone back and edited some of the text...hopefully it is clearer...

Shakthi....I wanted to write you a nice long thankyou and reply...that is why i was waiting for tomorrow really you have warmed my heart with your comments....please yes do share your short stories!!!