Guess what !!!! We did a Shakespeare skit in our class last year.
We were divided into 4 groups of which two groups performed Merchant of Venice, 1 group did Tempest and our group performed As You Like It. The girls group in Merchant of Venice did an awsome job but the boys group could not make it up tp the mark. TheTempest group of boys did a horrid job but I feel ours was the worst of all. I was the head of the crew and also the dialogue writer. Now I feel it was I who completely spoiled the skit because I made the play too long but But partly it was because of those stupid northies who would not put in any sort of effort and hard work. Always muttering curses upon me in hindi for bringing them into the nice skit and made it horrible. Ils parlent à peine en anglais et toujours entretien dans le hindi donc il est très difficile de les comprendre They speak in english only to me because I don't understand as much hindi as others do We had to take because they were the only classmates available They never used to come for practice and didn't at all understand my english so I had to rewrite all the dialogues in the simplest english and then get my friend to explain it to them in hindi and I also had to give their parts the lowest amount of dialogues and then I, my 3 friends ( all 4 of us had good spoken english knowledge and I have always been the best and the pet of all my english teachers ) had more than one role in the play but I had the most of the roles of about 4-5 !!!!! Imagine it !!!!! On the day of the skit the northies came to me and told me that they were going to withdraw from the skit I became so angry that I literally sat on top of their heads and the whole corridor came running to our class on hearing the comotion and they never forgot that day. They forgot all their dialogues and started reading from their sheets. I was horrified Another disaster appeared in the form of the lunch bell. We hadn't even completed a quarter of the play when it rang. I was the only one who was audible, rest all were shivering and were shaking with fear so it was not at all to be heard.I was heart broken and was almost on the verge of tears. My friends and my teacher came and comforted me saying it was not bad and was quite nice but I knew it was not true because I knew that most of my friends were calculating marks for my class teacher in his office The ones remaining in the class did not come forward to comfort me or any others of our group whereas the northies came and just made me feel worse by saying - " Is skit hamari paatshaalaa ke itihaas men sabse bhoori aur gandhee skit thee. Yah skit itni gandhe hone ke kaaran thoo hi ho " I got so irritated and started shouting at them like hell and 5 of my friends had to literally pull me off them After that I went home with a long face and mum cheered me up a little and then I became alright I guess