we already discussed most of them in old tfmpage.
Anyway we can have descriptive recollections here

Last one is Dinakar Deepa Dileep(Oct - Dec 1988 )
Some more to add to the list are Chitirappavai(Oct-Dec 89 ), Galaata Kudumbam(Jan-Mar 1989 ), Flight 714(Jan-Mar 88 ), Solladi Sivashakti(Apr 88 ), Shakti 90(Feb 90)....anyway, include anything that came on DD pre-92.

What was the freedom struggle serial of Sep 90?(characters like Ezhil, Pandian(Pandian), Chockappan(Nazar), Kamal Ghosh)?
We can switch to Hindi DD if this topic gets exhausted
I have those discussions saved on disk. Let me know if u want them