Hi RR,
The particular song Naguva Nayana, Madhura Mouna ( Beautiful eyes, Sweet moments), is a real beautiful song. Amazingly composed by Ilayaraj.
Especially the picturization, it shows the beautiful 80's bangalore: the old bangalore, my old college St Josephs, Chit Chat cafe next to Lakeview parlour. the old colonial buildings.
It shows the fresh love, seen thru the eyes of young lovers.

The song Hrudaya Rangoli, the picturization, where the girl who loves Anil Kapoor, sees Lakshmi and Anil Kapoor together in Coorg. Its tragic.

The last scene where Anil Kapoor, who once was truely in love with the girl, finds that she has left her and has gone to the US for higher studies, is very realistic and brings a tear in my eyes.

I my opinion this movie, which I guess was Mani Ratnams first movie. Just imagine, a new director trying to prove to the world that he can make good movies, must have given his best.
