I really think it is worth the while to read Shakespeare...they are so rich on many levels...

Wibha I'm quite surprised that you found Macbeth boring I ask you to use maybe a reader or sparksnotes so that you can better understand it's philosophical intricacies...all i ask is that you give it a chance...

anyways I have only watched "Hamlet" at the Stratford Theatre here....it was quite badly done by some popular canadian tv star...I would love to see either "King Lear" or "Othello" or "Antony and Cleopatra" both my favourites....as a masque "Midsomer's Night Dream" would be absolutely gorgeous...

though i have my lesser favourites as well such as "Taming of the Shrew" and the more gruesome "Titus Andronicus" it just filled with violence and gore...of his comedies I really found one of his earliest plays "comedy of errors" and "As you like it" quite annoying and tedious