Hello Guy,

Balanced diet depends on a number of factors like one's weight,activity level,age etc... I can give u a diet plan provided u give me some details like ur age,height,weight,gender&activity level...I would also like to know if u r a vegetarian or non-vegetarian... & to be on the safer side,I can plan the diet only for normal people without complications like heart problems,thyroid diseases,kidney,liver diseases ,BP,sugar etc etc... In case U have any such complications better let me know abt it & what the diet the doctor has advised...

Here r a few tips for U...
1. A normal,healthy person can take upto a max of 3 teaspoons (ie 15ml or 1 table spoon)of oil per day...This includes all forms of direct fat be it vegetable fat or animal fat like ghee...
2.Use lowfat or fatfree milk instead of full cream milk.Use the same for making curds.
3.Eat atleast 2 serving of veg & 1 serving(if possible 2) of fruits.
4.Keep salt to the minimum possible.
5.Avoid all tasty but junk food.This includes all fried food.
6.Most instant food & ready to eat food contain a high amount of sodium.So try to avaoid it.
7.A must avoid in Indian cooking is coconut & cream.U can have these once in a month or so .
8. Sugar is high in calories.so take only the minimum possible.
9.All kinds of nuts like groundnuts,cashewnuts etc etc can be avoided as they contain a huge amt of fat.
10.Egg yolk is to be avoided as it is full of cholesterol.
11.Chicken & fish cooked without (or using 1 tsp) of oil is the best form of protein for nonvegetarians.
12.All red meat r rich in fat.So avoid it.
13. Any meat should be cleaned off the skin as it contains most of the fat.
14. Low fat,high protein diet + exercise is the best way to reduce weight.
15. whatever the diet be,every adult should consume atleast 1200 calories .
16.Every person should have a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates,fat,protein,calcium & fbre.
17.Excess carbohydrate that is not spent out gets converted into fat.So take only as much carb as requiired for ur age,weight & activity level
18.Never skip breakfast...Follow the old saying "eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a commoner & dinner like a poor guy" .
19.Have dinner atleast 2-3 hrs before u go to bed.
20. Exercise atleast 5 times a day.1/2 hrs of brisk walking will do.

PPl may argue that in olden days our ancestors had lots of ghee,nuts etc etc but still were healthy.My reply to that would be 'if u r ready to do as much physical work as they were doing,go ahead with their diet'... The above said are a few common tips which many would've known already.... If u want to reduce or maintain

reg the recipes,would U like to have recipes using veg or dhals?....tell me any specifications that U have.... I too am not an expert in cook but I'll let U know whatever I know...

Hope this will help U...Any queries,pls post it....I'll be glad to tell U whatever I know...