Quote Originally Posted by Eelavar
Tamil 'Nadu' is really a hypocrisy..
Nadu means country.. But it is an indian state !
Adeyappa! "Nadu" does not have to mean independent country. It can also simply mean "idam", or even "ulakam". For us Indian Tamils, Tamil Nadu *is* our thaaynaadu in a very deep way. Fortunately, we do not have to choose between our Tamil thaay and India. There is no contradiction in our naadu being a part of India, because it still belongs to us.

Quote Originally Posted by Eelavar
Tamil Nadu will be very developped if it was not an indian state !
TN contribuate to develop the other states !
We contribute much more than even most Tamils realise. But think how many thousands of our youth would have died if we had had to fight India. After the events of the 1960s (and particularly the DMK's election gains in 1962), India has treated us with respect and honour. What would we have gained through the fight? Money is not worth so much.

But it is a funny thing. In the early 1950s Tamils in Tamil Nadu wanted to break away from India. This was considered one of the biggest threats to Indian unity then. In Sri Lanka at that time, Jaffna Tamils thought Chelvanayagam was being unnecessarily quarrelsome when he asked even for federalism. As it turned out, we in Tamil Nadu received more concessions from India than we had thought we would (even today, TN is the only state to which the Official Languages Order does not apply). It was exactly the opposite for you in Sri Lanka. At that time, I don't think anyone would have thought that it would end up like this.

Seri pa, enough seriousness from me.