I read a story about a man and his son. The son, though in his mid--20s was jobless and refused to do any work.
In frustration, the man told the son to go find at least Rs1,000 or he would have no meals in the house.

As always, the mother came to his rescue and secretly gave him the money.

In the evening, he gave the money to his father, who suspecting foul-play threw away the money saying that it wouldn't have been honestly earned. The son looked embarrassed and went to bed hungry.

The next day, the father said the same thing - no money, no meal.
This time the son went out, did many odd jobs and returned with the money.

Again, the father threw away the money, saying that he didn't work for it.
This time the son got angry and took back the money, saying that it was his sweat and he deserved the money.

Moral of the story: Deserving money (or awards) will not be rejected.