Quote Originally Posted by srivatsan
Let us discuss the good and bad aspects of Manu Smruthi. This Manu Smruthi has been considered as one of the Sacred texts of Sanaathana Dharma.

But if one read the texts of Manu Smruthi, one can see a big collection of Hatred against one particular cast- The Shudra Cast.
From my experience, there is a "shudra" caste in every society. What I think is Manu was accepting the reality. But his reasons and justifications have religious overtones; this is why there this so much sensitivity. If Manu had given his laws purely in the format of economics, I do not anticipate such commotion as this. Still, the point is, in every human society, there are class divisions, whether one gives the reason for the division as "God" or "globalization." So perhaps Manu can be regarded as insightful for recognizing a fundamental condition of the human nature.