Ideas for School Holidays that are practically FREE!

1. Take your children to your bank and explain to them how it works. Tell them about savings and investments. Show them the ATM and teach them how to use it.

2. Visit Homes for children, aged & disabled. Let them mingle around with the occupants and do simple things for them.

3. Go to pools or the sea and teach them life-saving tricks.

4. Ask them to grow and nurture plants. Let them be fascinated by plant growth.

5. Take them along when you go for blood donation. Explain the importance of it.

6. Visit the General Hospital and show them accident victims and why it's important to be safe always.

7. Take them to villages, farms and estates. Teach them about food wastage.

8. Take them to a Court for a day and let them observe what happens to people who do wrong.

9. Talk to them and find out their desires. Satisfy some of the useful ones and explain to them which ones are essential and which are not.

10. Take them to places of worship which are not yours. Don't be judgemental and explain to them the existence of different schools of thoughts.