.WANT TO BE HAPPY.? ... First Point..

...Keep off UNPRINCIPLED Persons, the DANGEROUS

When somebody is quite well-off in the Society... mostly the first person to approach him...used to be the UNPRINCIPLED PERSON..posing..

..as if he is the most Loyal and Obedient servant / Well-wisher Friend / Selfless Relative ...offering Sacrifice.

How to identify him / her?

"Athi-Bhavyam Dhoortha-Lakshanam" is the Proverb in Sanskrit ...

..which means... One who exhibits ABNORMAL OBEDIENCE/ OVERSHOW OF GOODNESS.. towards the Sought-after person/Master,...

... DHOORTHA-LAKSHANAM = Characteristics of the Typical WRETCHED person / LOW-CALIBRED / UNWORTHY CHEAP ELEMENT of Society....

Such Over-Showy persons are UNPRINCIPLED AND UNPREDICTABLE .... even by themselves..

... and so TO BE AVOIDED and KEPT OFF... Because these are the People who are VULNERABLE..as well as easily GULLIBLE...

... to function as the tools of our Enemies and Competitors... BECOMING TRAITORS suddenly at any moment of crisis.

Rather the same persons posing Unusual mode of Loyalty ...used to be Opportunistic..

...by CHANGING SIDES EASILY... AS UTTER ANTAGONIST....Killing our Happiness.