Awesome ! Raid 2 reviews are pouring in :
Bilge Ebiri ( : The Raid 2 Is a Relentlessly Violent Film That Blurs the Line Between Action and Dance

Josh Wigler ( : Director Gareth Evans delivers a relentless series of bone-shattering knock-out punches that has impressed and repulsed the critics.

Alonso Duralde (The Wrap) : Just when you think the movie has gotten as wonderfully, violently over-the-top as possible, it manages to keep upping the ante until its exhausting climax.

Joe Neumaier (The NEwyork Times) : From the first scene, this Jakarta-set actioner is extraordinarily gorgeous - and extremely violent.

Bryan Bishop ( : bigger and bloodier

James Rocchi ( : 'The Raid 2' Brings Better Fights [review from the 2014 Sundance Film Festival]

The film maker has released a clip [deleted scene], which I hesitate to post it here. If you are interested check youtube with these key words :

'The Raid 2 Deleted Scenes - Gang War'

And as we say - the bigger the better !
[be warned that its not for everyone or anyone, only for those who admit and admire martial arts and its violence in Films] => I am in