( my post to your thread was repeated by error and I waw trying to delete one. The delete feature does not seem to work.Hence I have just left it. Hope the moderator cancels the redundant post.

Next I tried to replace the redundant post with the following names, the edit feature gives a rotating sign but fails to load, ) so here are the extra ones I was trying to post.

Hope by now you have got the name you like for your baby girl. Congrats and enjoy your time with your loved one.

கவின்யா, கவினி, கவின்முகி
(மோப்பக் குழையும் அனிச்சம் முகந்திரிந்து நோக்கக் குழையும் விருந்து)
(முகனமர்ந்து நல்விருந்தோம்புவான்....குறள் 94)
எழிலினி, எழிலி
inbithaa (inbam+itham), inbA இன்பிதா, இன்பா

People who want to twist the names may be able to do so with any name with great dexterity. They have done so with airline names, people's name etc., You may have heard of them, E.g., To the question "how did Singtel get the contract?" the answer came from a then prime minister: " They sing and tell, so they got it!". Another one; singapore, singing over a pore (pores of skin .......) There are many. Take such possibilities in account but do not be overly concerned about such. All the best.