No one was born as a bad person. It is ridiculous to compare two girls who have been brought up in totally different envionment and saying that one is good and other one is bad. What if one was born to as slutish mother and brought up in a filthy enviroment and other one is born for a holy mother? Is that the poor girls' fault? After all it is not the girls fault that they dont have the best mom in their life. It is all the environment in which they have been brought up and the luck they have in getting a good or bad parents.

ThEnmozhi's mother spent dedicating her whole life just for bringing up her daughter, taught her the morals she believed in. Because her marriage was arranged she learned to live with what she got and appreciate the bests her husband got and strongly believed that there is no best husband in the world who does not have any flaws. On the other hand, Renu's Mom used to have boyfriends besides her husband and she had several relationships. Renu's parents were divorced at the age of 5 and her mom got lot of money due to that and spent that mainly for going out on long vacations leaving Renu with the babysitters and Renu has been abused by her mom's perverted boyfriends when she was growing up. The morals Renu had been taught was completely different from the ones taught by thEnmozhi's mom. it is all environmental and situational after all...