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Thread: The White light Calling - 7

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    The White light Calling - 7

    part -1

    “Life is so beautiful, for those who close their eyes and live in dream” Mr. X
    “Life is so beautiful; you just have to open your eyes to see it”Mr. Y

    “How did you do it?” Madhan was more than curious. Vangs looked rather suspicious.

    “I..I donno..I just felt it” chemba shrugged.

    “Ok. Will that thing come up here?”smitha had lost all the color in her face.

    “Oh! No Smitha. Don’t you worry! We have a special siddhar with us here. She will help us get through. Won’t she?” Vangs consoled smitha and looked at chemba pointedly. Chemba knew that he was mocking at her. She didn’t care much for him right now. She was still disturbed on thinking how she got that dream while she was awake.

    “You good?” Madhan came near her. She took a long breath and exhaled slowly.

    "I guess I am.”Funnily it felt safe and somehow comfortable to stand next to him just then.

    “It is quite scary” he said.

    “What is?” she eyed him defiantly.

    “How you foresaw that danger.”

    “I didn’t see anything. I woke up suddenly and I had that weird smell hit me on my face. You could call it an instinct” she groomed her hair unconsciously.

    “A very strong one” he said still not taking his eyes off her. But now it was not suspicion but more of admiration.

    Her lips twitched in a half smile. “What now?”

    “I don’t know. I could have been eaten alive moments ago or even now. But I am more inclined to think about those huge eyes of yours than those huge man eaters.” He said casually. She choked back a shaky laughter.

    “God. You certainly do speak your mind.”

    “Yeah so they say.”he shrugged sheepishly still sending cupid daggers on her. She felt warmer standing even in the middle of mist and fog.

    “So..when we go down, Shall we go out ?” he asked suddenly.

    “On a date?” she questioned him.

    “Well, kind of. You need to know a lot about me at least as much as i know about you.”


    “Why?”he repeated her question and chuckled. “You will soon know why” he said and she fell silent. “Besides there is some stuff I need to tell you about.” he continued.

    “Like what?”

    “Hey guys. You don’t want breakfast or what? Quit your sweet nothings and Go brush your teeth.” Vikki called out from his spot.

    “See you soon then.”he smiled and walked away.

    Chemba looked at his fading back. ‘Hmm- a nice tall guy, good stature,handsome, very good smile and a dangerous pair of eyes.’ She thought to herself.

    “where are you going?” Oviya gripped her shoulder suddenly from behind.

    “Me? I am going nowhere. Why?"

    “So did you ask where she is going?”Smitha too joined them.

    “What ?Where?”Chemba was confused.

    “He is from south Dakota right? So they will probably go to those snow peaky mountains and streams – a perfectly new location as far as Indian cinema is concerned” Oviya informed in a serious tone.

    “Will you both just tell me what is going on? Why am I to go to South Dakota.?”

    “For your dream sequence, of course” Oviya said without smile and winked at her mischievously.

    “You..” Chemba chased her with a stick.

    “Aah…” The two girls screeched and laughed and ran away from her.

    A startled looking Vangs ran to them with toothpaste froth in his mouth and said “Girls .Girls..please make it low. ok..The feline family down there might hear us.”

    “yeah, We can invite them some other day. Today we made breakfast just enough for us.” Vikki stated.

    The girls laughed again and went off in another direction. “we did forget about those animals down there. Do you think there may be more like them, may be around here too.?”smitha asked in a flurry.

    “I don’t think so di, but we better hurry, You know. We don’t want to stand half naked in front of a hungry tiger.” Chemba said.

    “Yeah, tiger is ok.. but if it was M…”Chemba closed her friend’s mouth in mid sentence and kicked her ass with her knee from behind playfully.

    “Just stop it Ok.”

    “Ouch..That hurts..Oh poor Mr. M” Oviya said again and ran away, missed a foot and fell right into the small pond.

    “Hey! Girls! Aren’t you ever going out for loo and stuff like that? If we are to leave fast, you need to make it fast.” Shekar echoed from behind the tree.

    “Ok. Smitha come on. We will go behind that yellow leaved whatever tree that is. It should be good enough for us, the stream is passing through that place.” chemba suggested hurriedly and dragged Oviya by her wrist.

    “Yeah we can bathe there” Smitha scratched her hands. Sleeping in that cave somehow made her itch all over.

    “Mm.. not scared of tigers anymore?” chemba smiled at her friend dubiously.

    “What? We need to take bath right? Why not here? We will just hurry up ok..please di.” she looked tired and worn out.

    Chemba just thought of this girl and how she used to be in college. Smitha was always known for her Victorian behaviors, that no one ever has seen her improper – without proper makeup and dress. She was always impeccable dressed, even as she got out of her room first thing in the morning. Now look at her.

    She looked murky in a dirty creased shirt and tousled and unkempt hair. Chemba pitied her. For the first time, she felt guilty on bringing them along.

    It had been more than a quarter hour since they came to that clearing and slowly Chemba started to feel the chill. Something told her to move fast and forward.

    “Guys shall we move?” She wiped her face and asked her friends who were still playing in the water. Oviya looked too playful to her. She always is like that. Being bizarre is being normal for her lovely friend Oviya. She smiled to herself.

    “Hai..honey pops” she said dreamily and waltzed around happily inside the water. In fact she acted too weird, which under present conditions looked abnormal to chemba. She got Oviya by her wrist and shook her slightly.

    “Di.. Are you alright?”

    “Ohoo.. I am quite aallright. Hey look Mr.Agathiyar.” she pointed at a distance. She looked awed for a second and clapped her hands like a school kid.

    “What in god’s name are you talking about? Oviya ..Oviya..look at me.
    What do you see?”chemba pulled her to a corner and asked.

    “What’s with her? I don’t know how she can be so happy with three hungry tigers below us. I am not myself.”She shrugged.

    “She is not herself either” Chemba said in a whisper.

    “What?” Smitha squeezed the hem of dress and took her dress to change.
    Chemba too had prepared herself for changing and went out of the stream still holding Oviya by hand. But Oviya pulled her hand out and started to splash around like a kid.

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    part - 2

    “Hey stop it.. Oviya.”

    “Thoo..”Oviya spat out the stream water which she just swallowed.

    “Cheee…this tastes bad. That was good”. She said.

    “What was good?”

    “The water from that pond.” she announced.

    “Chemba why is she talking like that?”Smitha asked shakily.

    “I don’t know” she said to smitha and turned towards oviya ”which pond oviya? the one you fell into?”


    “Oh you should not drink from ponds. When you have a stream nearby why did you drink from the pond?”

    She just shrugged and piped out more water from her mouth playfully.

    “Hey look there he is maamuni agathiya..pray to him girls. He will save us” Oviya said.

    “What is she talking about?” the other girls looked at each other and looked in the direction where she pointed out. They couldn’t find anything, not even a tree swaying in breeze. It was wide open sky and the valley beneath.

    “what did you…”chemba turned towards oviya and stopped in mid sentence.

    “Oviya?...Oviya?”Smitha too was shocked.

    “Oviya..Oviya..Oh my God where has she gone?”
    They quickly came out and donned her dress and went out frantically in search of Oviya.

    “Oviya..Oviyaaa…”they shouted long and short and the guys ran towards them.

    “What happened?”

    “ missing”

    “What? What do you mean by missing? How could she?”


    Only their voices echoed back and no sign of Oviya. In a dark and dense forest and a difficult rocky mountain like this with dangers lurking around every corner, Oviya is all alone and lost.

    Chemba felt like the world had turned upside down for her. Tension built up in her like a smoking volcano and She thought that her brain would come out in a burst. Her total body got heated up in the process, even her throat dried up and she could only squeak.

    “Oh my god Oviya” She chanted to herself feverishly and ran on searching.

    Almost an hour had gone, still no sign of her.

    Everybody was so tired and scared. What could have happened to her?
    How fast could a girl - wet girl run in this terrain?

    Smitha had lost all her perfectly manicured nails by biting at them, a new habit she got in this one hour. They had searched the whole yard and Madhan had even searched under water for quite some time.

    They sat down depressed. Shekar was speechless. He looked pathetic. He was frantic at first, then he looked forsaken and forlorn. He sat in one corner with looks frozen at a point beyond horizon.

    Vikki sat near him and said ”It’s alright buddy. Nothing is lost”

    “What?”shekar looked shocked ”How could you say that? Would you be like this if it was your..some girl you liked a lot?” he asked in a heat. Vikki laughed. He laughed and laughed.

    “What are you laughing for? you..”Shekar got up to hit him while madhan hurried in.

    “Shakes.. just cool it man. Leave it. He is in shock too.”

    “But this is too much madhan. “He shook his head in disbelief and shock and sat again, holding his head in his hands. “From the beginning I have been telling you that we shouldn’t bring them with us. Now see?” he said softly.

    “You did?”chemba was surprised “And why may I ask?”

    “We ..we thought.. this..this might turn dangerous or hard for girls, like now” he said in a somewhat slowed down voice.

    Chemba lifted her eyebrows suspiciously and looked at madhan. Madhan understood her ‘is there something that we don’t know?’ look.

    “It’s nothing really. We will see all that later. Now we need to find Oviya.” he said

    “Ooviya…Oviyaaa…”Vikki started to dance around.

    “Oh god.. Not him too.” Chemba ran to him.

    “Vikki..Dae.vikki are you alright? Oh please don’t do this..” chemba slapped him again and again for which he only smiled.

    “What happened to him?”Madhan looked totally mystified.

    “This is exactly what happened to Oviya. She seemed like she lost her mind. She even said she saw Agathiyar and that’s when she disappeared.” chemba explained in a hurry.

    Smitha and Vangs who had gone down in a crooked path to look out for oviya returned right at that moment.

    “Did you see her?”

    Smitha answered with a withered look.

    ”It’s like a jungle maze out there. I don’t know how we are going to find her. We came because we didn’t want to get lost ourselves.” Vangs pressed his head with his palm and sat on a rock.

    “What shall we do now?”

    “Relax. We need to think fast but clear.”Madhan said.

    “Girls, what exactly did she say to you?”Chemba uttered word by word what she said.

    “Ok.. so she had seen someone or thought she saw someone twice, in different locations. Once when she stood in the stream near the cliff which means if she had seen him, she should have seen him beyond that curve. The next time she saw him very near, but almost in open sky if you got her right. Which could simply mean…” he stopped and looked at Chemba seriously.

    “Which means what??” she asked desperately. Her voice rose so much that she scared off those little birds perched on the nearby tree. They flew away hurriedly.

    “Which could probably mean that, she is hallucinating” shekar said in a small voice.


    “Halluci what? Oh guys don’t be scientists even here ok? Say it in layman terms.”Vangs was irritated.

    “Hallucination is a kind of... You get these false sensory perceptions. You see or hear or even feel things very vividly which actually in reality is not present there.”

    “You mean to say like losing their minds?” Vikki was wide eyed now.

    “No..No.. not exactly. Or at least completely..” Madhan hesitated.

    “Oh..just speak up ok” Chemba lunged at him and shook his collars.

    “Easy. Chemba, I am not a psychiatrist. I only suggest, that It could be it.”

    Shekar bowed his head down and his body shook in silent sobs. “Why is it always has to be me?”He whispered between tears. Madhan and Vangs ran to him in a second.

    “It’s ok buddy..It will be alright. Don’t worry.” Vangs patted on his shoulders and solaced him.

    ”We are all here Shakes. We are not going to give up. Don’t lose hope Ok. Come on get up. Let’s find her” madhan pulled him up and took him by shoulders, while vangs took all his belongings for him.

    In a situation such as this, the scene in front of her made chemba misty eyed. Such good friends she thought to herself and only then she remembered that one of them was missing.


    She called out aloud.

    He was gone too..

  4. #3
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Getting more and more scary and eerie!!!

    BTW,Iniyamalar, are you an avid reader of Mills and Boon novels?
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  5. #4
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber AudazJay's Avatar
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    Wow, the plot is just getting more and more interesting! Great going Iniyamalar, needless to say, wonderful narration!
    "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle.

  6. #5
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    And I suggest the story continues in the same thread instead of starting a fresh thread for each episode!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  7. #6
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Querida's Avatar
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    Iniyamalar, wow what a rush...I've got really are keeping the tension tight and the happenings electric!!

    I second PP Maam, if it's ok with you, it would be nice to keep the story all in one thread.

  8. #7
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber AudazJay's Avatar
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    What happened to Iniyamalar? Ippadi paadhi kadhai sollitu nammala ambonu vittutu pogalama?

    Could there be something wrong with the vaashtu of this thread??
    "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Diamond Hubber SoftSword's Avatar
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    would be happy if u could give links to all ur previous episodes for people who don follow urs from begining...
    actually, i read two episodes of urs and missed it after... during ur previous post, i searched for the third but could not find it.
    Sach is Life..

  10. #9
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Querida's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoftSword View Post
    would be happy if u could give links to all ur previous episodes for people who don follow urs from begining...
    actually, i read two episodes of urs and missed it after... during ur previous post, i searched for the third but could not find it.
    Hey Softsword,

    Been keeping track of the threads myself, so am posting the links here.
    I hope Iniyamalar comes back soon!
    Her storytelling is not to be missed!

  11. #10
    Senior Member Diamond Hubber SoftSword's Avatar
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    thanks Querida.
    Sach is Life..

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