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Thread: Forgotten THIRD PERSON.!.. Most Important.!!

  1. #1
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    Forgotten THIRD PERSON.!.. Most Important.!!

    .Forgotten THIRD PERSON.!.. the Most Important.!!!

    Politics is intended for Social-Service... for the respective Society.

    But to-day either in India or anywhere in the World...

    ..Does Politics is the ideal path for redressal of Public Grievances.?

    ..Do the Politician handle the issues... in the right approach of Social Interest of Public-cause.?...or...

    ..for their OWN ADVANCEMENTS.... at the cost of Social-cause.?

    ..Unduly EXPLOITING the innocent Commonman... for the sake of their own Publicity Stunts.!

    And the Most Important Factor.?

    The Prime Person... the Most Important is the Third Person... who is keeping aloof...

    ..trusting that their Political Representatives will take care of their interests...SINCERELY and HONESTLY..

    ..True to their Assurances time to time...

    ..especialy while Seeking Votes for Election.!

    Ultimately who Suffers... the WORST VICTIM?

    ...The THIRD PERSON...

    .. the Common Public who succumb to the various sorts of loss of Services like Transport, Schools & Colleges, Earnings and other essentials too.

    ..due to Strikes, Lock-out, Hartal, Road-blocking Revolutions and Various Sorts of Violence.

    If the public Problems can be solved only by means of such REVOLUTIONARY METHODS...

    .. then What for the Politicians.?.. Why they have been elected.?

    ..To come back to the People on every issue... and force them to AGITATE...

    ...against the Governments... PARALYSING the Routine Life?

    ..Losing their DAILY DUTIES and Income.?

    ..But earning more and more ARTIFICIAL POPULARITY to the Politicians.?


    Pitiable for a DEMOCRATIC NATION of highly Wise People and Rulers.!!!

    Not only in Politics and the Governments...

    ..but also in other respects too.

    Behind the Two Groups prominent in the FOREFRONT...

    ...there is One THIRD PERSON... the Customer / Consumer / Public the PURPOSE SERVER...

    ..the Most Important Person... FORGOTTEN and Exploited.!!!

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  3. #2
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    .Hoganekkal River Water Issue.!

    Who has to solve it.?

    ...Governments and Politicians.?

    ..Or by Provocative Public Agitations?

    ..Instigating Violence and mutual Hatred by Dividing the People..?

    After all the People of both Karnataka and Tamilnadu...the Sister Nations of One and the same Nation India...

    ..have to get their Needs and Legitimate Rights.

    For that purpose... if Public Agitations causing NATIONAL LOSS...Public Convenience upset... and Damage of Peace... Loss of Income to the innocent Commonman...

    ..are quite necessary and INDISPENSABLE...

    .. then What for the Politicians. and Political-approach.?

  4. #3
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    .Problem of ONE INDIVIDUAL escalates towards the INNOCENTS.!!

    This is a True Episode...

    In one Popular Hospital... the Doctor had prescribed for Insulin Injection to a Patient in Special ward... waiting for Surgery... who was Diabetic too.

    Nurse gave the injection accordingly... while the Patient was half-asleep.

    ...but FORGOT to record it in the Case Sheet.

    Then the Doctor visited again the Patient and asked him whether the Injection was given..

    Patient replied.."No"

    Doctor verified the Case sheet... which gave him the impression that the Injection was yet due.

    Then the Doctor gave Insulin injection (the Second one just within a short while after the previous one)...

    It lead to deep Coma... Any amount of Medical-Struggle could not save the innocent patient and so he died.

    Subsequently it was known to the Dean that it was due the Human-blunder...

    The patient's side sued against the Hospital.

    The Nurse was suspended pending enquiry.

    Immediately... a FLARE UP in the whole Hospital... amongst the Staff.

    It lead to an indefinite strike... paralysing the whole Hospital.

    Due to lack of Timely care many patients were seriously affected... while some other serious patients died.

    Then the adjacent Hospitals too joined the Strike.

    Who were the WORST AFFECTED Victims.?

    Not the Hospital Management... nor the Government ...

    ..more than the Innocent Victims... the Commonman... the Patients

    ...who are the Real-payers to the Hospital as well as the Government... by Money...

    ..but they receive in return... What.?

    In what way they DESERVE such a return of caused sufferings.?

    ..FORGOTTEN Third person... the MOST IMPORTANT.!!

  5. #4
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  6. #5
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    . Third Party.. MOST IMPORTANT.?... Customer PEOPLE WHO PAY YOU.!

    ...but UNDULY SUFFERS in Return... in several ways.!... Because of YOU.!

    - LIC Employees on Strike.. Questioning the Management-Decision.!

    ..Where is the legitimate Rights... of the Most Important... THIRD PARTY.?

    One Interesting Episode...

    In the first Ministry headed by Jawaharlal Nehru... Mr Vallabh Bhai Patel was the Deputy Prime MInister.

    When he was passing through Madurai.. he saw the Madurai Meenakshi Mills Employees Communist Union... on Strike....

    ..demanding HIGHER BONUS.!

    He stopped his Car and invited the Union Leaders for discussion with him, the Dy. PM direct..

    ...on whatever Grievance they have with the Employer.

    After hearing both the sides... He asked the Union Leaders...

    ''Look, my dear Brothers... You are demanding higher Bonus.. as the consideration of sharing the Profits. Well. You have a point.

    But before I ask your Employer to concede to your demands...

    ..please let me know.. whether you will share with the past and future probable Losses too of the Employer.?

    What will be your Answer to the demands of the Third-party... the Shareholders...

    ...alongside the Customer-Buyers of your Products...

    ... The PEOPLE...who REALLY PAY YOU ALL...?

    .If you want... You are welcome to be the Partners in the Management...

    ... and jointly decide AS YOU BOTH FEEL PROPER....

    ... whatever is the BEST IN THE COMMON INTERESTS OF ALL.!

    In any case, please do not forget.. those THIRD & FOURTH PARTIES..

    ...the MOST IMPORTANT.!"...

    ...Please remember... With whose Money.. You TWO Parties... The Govt-Management and the Employees...


    .But Claiming Your Individual Rights... on One-sided considerations in the interests...

    ..AMONGST YOU TWO... Only.!

    Money is the BLOOD... Management the BRAIN... and the Employees are the LIMBS of any Organisation.!

    In such a spirit... please consider.. what is due for whom.?...

    ..but without IGNORING ANY.!..

    The Most Important... is the People.. YOUR CUSTOMERS!"

    ..who Feed YOU ALL.!"...Said Mr Vallabh Bhai Patel.!

  7. #6
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    Air India Pilots Strike.!...

    - Video - Air India Pilots Strike.

    ... an UNDUE PUNISHMENT... to the CLIENTS / Passengers...


    Is Strike.... the EASIEST SOLUTION.?

    ..At What Cost.?... HITTING at whom.?

    ...Third party... the PUBLIC.!... CLIENTS... the Patrons...

    ...who are said to be the MOST IMPORTANT.?

    Why the Passengers should be PUNISHED so...

    ...for NO FAULT of them.?

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