It is genetic science that can best unravel the movement of people in ancient times. Prior to genetic science, analysis of language was the best tool available, but far from perfect.

Do the research (sorry I can't provide references at this time) and you will see that Africans begat Indians and Arabs, and Indians begat the rest of the world, including Caucasions, Asians and aboriginal Americans and Australians.

This is why both Africans and Arabs have kinky hair. It is the Indian striaght or slightly curly hair stock which is the root for the hair type of all other peoples.

Look at this article from Deccan Herald. Perhaps this is how Caucasions were formed from Indians. Then they were driven out of India by ancient Indians who were more superstitious than the Indian of today. The proto caucasions were probably considered devils.

The only question of course is: how long did the former Indians stay outside India before coming back as Aryans? How long must a people remain separate before they are considered another people? How much genetic change must there be to decalre a new "race"?

Are the albinos in the Deccan Herald article still Indians, that is, Indus, or are they caucasions?

If a Spaniard crosses with a native American from the Aztec or Mayan civilizations of North America, and then his great-great-great grandson mates with a Spanish-American Indian-Chinese mix, is the result returned once again to a Indu? I have a friend who after marrying his girl will produce just such an offspring. The two of them could already pass for Indu.

There can be no denying the prevalence of lighter skinned persons in Indian upper society, and amoung movie, television and music stars, as well as many cricket stars. This same phenomenon exists in Mexican and other Latin American cultures, where the Spanish are the equivalent of the Aryans.

While this issued mattered much to Europeans in the 1800's, I think it is of little interest to the West now. There is of course some interest amoung geneticists who are curious as to wether intelligence or dominance or will can be increased with selective breeding. That was of course the German perspective leading up to WW2.

And I am aware that upper caste Indus claim their high performance levels in Western schools, in math and science is due to their interbreeding for thousands of years.

So, if one does not accept Aryan invasion theory, whether it was an armed invasion or a passionate one, then one still has to explain the coming of light skinned Indus, and why the upper class of India created itself and constrained it's gene pool.

In the case of Aryan Invasion theory, the Indians were either physcially or sexually weak before the Aryans from the north. In the case of a homegrown light skinned upper society, the Indians are guilty of mendacity. Either way, Idus loose the moral high ground, though in the second scenario at least they maintain the high ground of mendacity.

Could it be that Indus created, invented mendacity, which then spread to the rest of the world from India? Might this be India's great contribution to the world?

Or did mendacity come to India from Africa? If so, then at least the Indians can take credit for perfecting it.
