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Thread: Large-Hearted INDIAN-HERITAGE .....Exemplary for MANKIND

  1. #1
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    Large-Hearted INDIAN-HERITAGE .....Exemplary for MANKIND

    .. Large-Hearted INDIAN-HERITAGE Exemplary for MANKIND

    Even the Non-Indian Foreigners like Dr. Anne-Besant, Dr. Max-muller, Dr. Percival and such others have praised highly of Indian-Heritage...

    .. especially the Vedas, Upanishads Geetha and the like... alongside the Vedic- Culture of India

    ... being inherent and implied with Great Sense of High Moral-Values as the Exemplary Scriptures of Universal- spirit.. irrespective of Religious aspect...

    .. rather as Commonly applicable to any Human... all over the World.. irrespective of the Social Vivi-sectional... or Sectarian.. or National boundaries..

    No doubt the parallel Holy-Scriptures such as the Bible, Koran, Dhammapada and the like too...

    ... convey to Mankind several Gospels of Human- values .

    But what is the Rudimentary Vedic-Sense and Heritage-content as worthy for a Common-Man...

    .. the Unique-Message of Moral-Values... worthy towards MEANINGFUL LIFE.??

    Let us discuss here in a Healthy, SECULAR and NON-RELIGIOUS Simple approach of Concern to any Individual member of Global- Humanity.

    Hari-Ohm !!! Lokaah-Samasthaah Sukhino bhavanthu !!!

    (Oh! God our Protector and the Conservator of PROSPERITY... Let all the People in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE... be Happy)

    Ohm Santhi ! Santhi !! Santhi !!!

    ( Oh! God ... Let PEACE prevail within Me.. as well as in the places around me...

    ... Peace... in others and those places away from me... and...

    ... Peace for those elsewhere unknown to me being Strangers along with their places too)

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  3. #2
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    Nice post Sudhaama. Intelligent people all over the world have realized how great Vedic culture is and they have praised it. The Vedic civilization was the first advanced civilization on Earth and it directly influenced the Greeks and other great civilizations.

  4. #3
    Administrator Platinum Hubber NOV's Avatar
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    Please continue your discussions in HnC Section.
    Never argue with a fool or he will drag you down to his level and beat you at it through sheer experience!

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by HindustaniLadka
    The Vedic civilization was the first advanced civilization on Earth and it directly influenced the Greeks and other great civilizations.
    Can you elaborate and explain What is vedhic culture and how it influenced the Greeks ?

    "Kal thonri man thontra kalathay mun thonri mootha kudi"- a second century literature- means when before stone became sand in earth the tamil tribes were formulated

  6. #5
    Senior Member Senior Hubber Idiappam's Avatar
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    Is preaching allowed in the HIstory Section?

  7. #6
    Junior Member Admin HubberNewbie HubberTeam HubberModerator HubberPro Hubber
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    I am really surprised that after all that pontificating about keeping the section free of fanaticism and narrow sectarianism, the administrators allowed this thread.
    I clearly see that the author of this thread has excluded Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Christianity (here for 2000 years) and islam (which has been in India right from the time of the Prophet), host of tribal religions etc from his notion of INDIAN HERITAGE..
    The contrived nod to 'concern for common-man of Humanity' artificial and only a fig leaf to hide a narrow vision. One can sense pent up abuse just behind the facade.
    It is clear that some individuals frustrated with the anti-abuse policy of the Hub now are trying to inject their poisonous views surreptiously, when no one is looking, with lot of fake sanctimoniuosness.
    I think the admins need to be more alert.
    >>Bei Leid lieh stets Heil die Lieb<<

  8. #7
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    Dear Mr. / Ms. "EdenWoods"

    // I clearly see that the author of this thread has excluded Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Christianity (here for 2000 years) and islam (which has been in India right from the time of the Prophet), host of tribal religions etc from his notion of INDIAN HERITAGE.//

    I am unable to understand, how you say that Jainism, Budhism and Sikhism which faiths too originated from this Great Indian-soil, are excluded from the Scope of this thread.

    ... Have I mentioned so... even indrectly in my INTRODUCTORY-NOTE?...

    Equally other Great Faiths of Christianity, Islam and the like too ... well deserve to be highly revered...

    ... and their Divine- Morals to be taken up, for the benefit of Mankind...

    .. even though... Islam forms part of Arabian-Heritage ...

    ... and Christianity forms part of Israel-Heritage....

    .. since originated from those Holy-Soils.

    In brief..the intention and scope of this Thread is not to denigrate other Faiths. .

    . but to only bring out the Hidden greatness of Indian-Heritage... as RECOGNISED BY INDIAN CONSTITUITION as Secular- Spirit.

    So I will be the FIRST MAN to raise my Vociferous -objection on any sickly trend ...

    .. if it so emanates... against any Global-Faiths nor against any section of Mankind, past or the present. ...

    being not only far from the True Spirit of SECULARISM....

    ... but also a violation on the Scope of this Healthy-Outlook Thread.

    Fearing of such a Misconception...

    ...I have cautiously and repeatedly insisted on the Secularism of Indian Culture...

    .. which implies the Large-Hearted Spirit of UNIVERSAL-LOVE of Humane-Outlook on Life... coupled with viewing the

    ... Greatness of all the Global-Faiths or Religions and Philosophy, as well as the International Multiple-Cultures....

    ... which is the INDIAN- OULOOK and HERITAGE .. as per our Consitituition...

    Hence such a healthy BROAD-MINDED SPIRIT has been firmly asserted...

    ... through the Title of the Thread... "LARGE-HEARTED INDIAN-HERITAGE Common for Mankind"

    ... as also in the Introduction more elaborately to CLARIFY.

    I am really SURPRISED TO NOTE Your Dubious Surprise on this HEALTHY- OUTLOOK.... of Human-Spirit !!! ???

    // The contrived nod to 'concern for common-man of Humanity' artificial and only a fig leaf to hide a narrow vision. One can sense pent up abuse just behind the facade.//

    Why I started talking about the Broad-Vedic-sense... initially?

    (1) Because it is the so called Hinduisim, the Vedic-faith... which is facing the MAXIMUM POSSIBLE MISCONCEPTIONS ..

    .. mutual .CONTRADICTIONS and DISPUTES, even amongst its followers .

    ... not only within India... but also out of India too... rather Internationally, when compared to any other Faiths.

    (2) Vedic-Faith was the Prime-faith... which originated First of all prior to Budhism, Jainism and the like.

    (3) Vedic-Faith is not One Religion... as many are looking at... but a Complex-form of almost all the popular Word-Religions...

    .. conveying the same High Spirit and Great Senses ... towards EMANICIPATION OF MANKIND... through one of the Multiple- choices

    ... spreading ILL-WILL AGAINST NONE.... nor antagonising any other Religion or Faith.

    With a Really LARGE- HEART ... as invited through the Thread-Title.. if anybody views this Topic... he will be happy to find the deep meanings and High- sense conveyed by the Great Indian- Heritage

    // It is clear that some individuals frustrated with the anti-abuse policy of the Hub now are trying to inject their poisonous views surreptiously, when no one is looking, with lot of fake sanctimoniuosness //.

    If the gesture of clarifying the True-sense of Indian Hereitage is WRONG... then I am the Culprit.

    If bringing out the Hidden-truth of Great Human-Morals ...behind the
    Indian-Culture... is an ABUSE ... then I am the Culprit.

    If spreading the spirit of United Global- Human-Love ... is a POISON .. then I am the Culprit.

    // I think the admins need to be more alert //

    Yes... Yes.. . Yes... I join with you in RAISING MY CONGRUENT VOICE TOO ...

    ... against any such Mischief by anybody.. if surreptitiously pokes in....

    ... ANTAGONISING the Healthy Scope of this Rare and HIGHLY MEANINGFUL Topic ...

    ... intended for the benefit of United Human-Life... IRRESPECTIVE OF RELIGIOUS ASPECT.
    Spend it MEANINGFULLY Spread effectively.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Senior Hubber Idiappam's Avatar
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    Uncle Sudhamaa said:
    (1) Because it is the so called Hinduisim, the Vedic-faith...
    A fatal assumption! Kavadi bearing is not a Vedic-faith! Then which place has it in your 'so called Hinduism'.

    (2) Vedic-Faith was the Prime-faith... which originated First of all prior to Budhism, Jainism and the like.
    Because it was there before Jainism/Buddhism it become the 'PRIME' faith???

    (3) Vedic-Faith is not One Religion... as many are looking at... but a Complex-form of almost all the Word-Religions...
    That is just preaching . Uncle why don't you give us some quotes from the Vedas - and tell how 'the Vedic Faith is Complex-form of almost all the Word-Religions..."

    I don't like blank bullets. They just make noise!

  10. #9
    Junior Member Admin HubberNewbie HubberTeam HubberModerator HubberPro Hubber
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    Just reading the first para of SUDHAMA's post is enough for me to understand what is the agenda.
    According to me, Hinduism or Indian Civilization is not equal to Vedic Faith. Vedic Faith is a comparitively new, laterally injected, though significant, but the not the dominant, component of the great edifice called Indian religious experience. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism.. even Atheism are other components.
    Please don't carp on Vedic Faith being equal to Indian heritage. This is a vast country and people. Keep your narrow seactarian views to yourself.
    Incidentally, the idea of pithrubhumi/punyabhoomi debate is betraying itself in your long-winded obfuscations. Makes it clear what you are trying to say, even if you do not say it.. The pernicious idea makes it impossible for Japenese Buddhists to be Japenese, American Hindus to be Americans, European Christians to be Europeans etc.. think about it.
    Why don't you clearly state your narrow views instead of couching it in fake moderation, unconvincing lip-service to 'Harmony", 'Broad-minded spririt' etc.
    >>Bei Leid lieh stets Heil die Lieb<<

  11. #10
    Moderator Veteran Hubber Badri's Avatar
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    A suggestion: Instead of this narrow focus on any one particular religion, why not discuss how the different cultures that have gotten integrated into India have enriched India and the Indian psyche?

    After all, the title is Large-Hearted INDIAN-HERITAGE Common for MANKIND...and certainly, Indian heritage includes much more than just religion!

    Any takers?
    When we stop labouring under the delusion of our cosmic self-importance, we are free of hindrance, fear, worry and attachment. We are liberated!!!

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