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Thread: Pregnancy risks

  1. #1
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    Pregnancy risks

    Hi all!

    WHO claims 1/5th of all child mortality incidents happen in India.And of the 5 lakhs deaths due to pregnancy/childbirth related complications happen annually,one lakh takesplace in India too.

    We are planning to have our first baby soon.The thought of any misfortune befalling us torments me!My wife is not particularly healthy and is a bit underweight.She has practically no exercise as she works in the same apartment complex where our flat is.And we haven't got our mothers or anyone else in our city.

    What are the precautions one can take to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery? Is there any specific medical tests that we should undergo?

    How about the proper diet and is there any exercise pattern that she should follow? Should she try to put on weight[she is just 40 kg]?

    Is there any medication,calcium,vitamin tabs etc,which will help?

    She can not deliver the baby here,so which month should I sent her home to our parents[Please consider that we both find it very difficult to be separated for long ]

    I am waiting for some answers from the more ''experienced'' hubbers here

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber rajraj's Avatar
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    blahblah: If you feel your wife is not in good health, first let her have a complete medical check up. This includes blood tests. Then, start her on an exercise routine. Walking in the evening around the apartment complex should be enough. Visit a park in the weekends. Take the stairs instead of the elevator for exercise. Blood test will reveal a lot about what is needed as medication.
    There is no need to be scared about infant mortality in India. Most of that happens in families with no access to health care, and malnutrition. I don't think it applies to you. You live in a large city with good medical facilities. Get a family physician first,preferably one who practices gynecology and obstetrics. He/she can do the medical check up.
    Good luck!

    I am sure you will get a lot of responses!
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  4. #3
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Congratulations, blahblah for making up your mind to welcome parenthood! Your wife’s weight sounds less than normal. But it is a hereditary matter and if she is going about her daily routine of household work and a job it means she is healthy and active. So nothing to worry.
    The important thing to remember is that pregnancy is a natural process and not a disease. The next important thing is to welcome the experience with a very happy, eager frame of mind. Some women suffer morning sickness, for a few days/weeks/months. Many women have no sickness, no giddiness, no nausea, nothing unpleasant!(Like me, my mother-in-law, my 2nd daughter-in-law to quote some known examples).
    Before and after conceiving it is essential to take balanced diet- vegetables(with fibre), greens, milk, fruits & if nonvegetarian, eggs & meat.
    You may check with the doctor if she is anaemic or not. Buy her good books to read about pregnancy and babycare.( My books were heirlooms-passed on to the next generation!). These books will guide you both & give confidence.
    She may go to her parents’ place at the eighth month(doctor’s advice to sought at that time for travel), and return after 40 days after delivery if it is normal, 90 days if it is caeserian. You dear husband cannot help this separation from your beloved, you can always pay as many flying visits as you can before and after delivery; in this era of communication regular contact should not be a problem.
    Happy waiting for the bundle of joy!
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  5. #4
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber scorpio's Avatar
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    Hey bunny,
    Appreciate your love and care for yr better -half. As PP Ma'm said, she does sound to be underweight but it is relative to her frame and height. Consult a good gynaec now itself for a routine checkup. As long as she maintains a healthy body supported by a healthy mind, you need not worry at all. With no elders around, your support during the trimester will be vital and am sure Bunny will go to any extent to welcome a healthy baby rabbit into the family.
    Your attitude determines your altitude!

  6. #5
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber jaiganes's Avatar
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    If you have a family physician, then get his/her number and the number of the nearest medical facility which you trust and store them in speed dial. Congratulations bunny! Biggest threat to new born kids and mothers is deficiency of iron, which is known widely as Anaemia. Make sure that enough leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage are in the diet regularly. There are certain vegetables and fruits which are a definite no no (like papaya and pineapple). Make a list of those vegetables and be careful when you are buying those things. Good thing about pregnancy for women is that the BP and cholestrol remains under control, so extra milk and eggs is good for them. More than all these things they need support emotionally and if possible take a long paternal leave to support Mrs.BlahBlah!! if your company gives you a good long paternal leave, tell me your email Id , in future I would like to join yours There are some special yoga postures for pregnant women, and there is a popular book for that by B.K.S.Iyengar. I forgot the title, but I think it starts with "light of yoga" or something.
    Here is a l i n k for more details.
    And above everything else enjoy the process right through.
    In my first job in a medical electronics company, I used to visit all children hospitals/wards and find how most women have to cope up with the most difficult moments before , during and after childbirth in almost solitude. It was heartwrenching emotionally to see those women suffer as the husband or his relatives nowhere in sight to support those women. A typical Indian male has been brought up aloof to the natural pains of women, so be someone different from the stereotype and share the natural pain with empathy. All the best!!
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  7. #6
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber
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    Hi blahblah,

    Here's a link that might be useful for U...
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  8. #7
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    Blah blah,
    Firstly, congratulations on deciding to get into parenthood. Get hold of a good gynec/obs,take your wife&get her/his advise.That's the best possible thing to do.Follow all instructions to a T.Give a lot of emotional support during pregnancy,that's one thing women require in plenty.Don't rush in sending her to mom's place&don't delay getting her back.If possible stay with her a couple of days before&atleast 1 week after the birth the child,it's very very important.Don't feel embarassed doing this.Some people might make snide comments,some might ask you to get back to work out of obligation but you stay put.Best of luck.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Senior Hubber nirosha sen's Avatar
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    Hiya Dear Blah-Blah - Felicitations in waiting for your bundle of joy and yes, I too would join in the rest of our experienced hubbers to dig into my experiences, Pa!!

    In the 1st trimester - Things could be difficult if she starts getting nauseous and starts vomitting thruout the day. You can't really do much except to help her lie down as much as possible.

    Food for a nauseous mum-to-be : Right now she should just manage whatever, she could stomach Pa!! The lighter the food, the better it is. It could be tea, malty drinks, etc. I had always found it easy with a abit of saltine crackers,as I could not manage to hold down anything else!!

    Exercise : For now, it is very, very, precarious to ask her to do anything strenuous, Pa!! Most miscarriages take place in the 1st trimester!! So, my advice is, let her put both feet up as much as possible. Less she's upright on her feet, the better! So let her sleep more, if she wants to!! It helps, believe me!!

  10. #9
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber Querida's Avatar
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    Experienced supporter of mummies-to-be so that counts ok? :P
    My piece of advice is that every woman is different so don't you nor your better half get too flustered if things happen a little differently...Mrs. Blahblah may not feel, eat, sleep, act, get emotional like everyone else supposedly does...get a good gyn! Go for all your checkups! books, sites, magazines always state the most frequent/general case or info they have gotten from their sample of cannot possibly do everylittle thing it says in the books so don't bang your head over it...don't believe everything aunties tell you their wisdom is based solely on what they experienced....dont get too scared with all the cautionary/horror stories etc. just lots of emotional support and encouragment and love and both your best efforts....she's having a baby not sick or handicapped no need to overly protective...enjoy the experience Congratulations! and ask us for a name soon!

  11. #10
    Senior Member Seasoned Hubber
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    Quote Originally Posted by Querida
    Congratulations! and ask us for a name soon!
    not to querida, your options would be like a. Mutley b. Snagglepuss c. Hardy Har Har d. Scooby :P

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