View Full Version : Grahabadem - some help pls

6th May 2005, 10:20 AM
With ref to the site below move shruti from Sa to Re ( making Re your Sa ) will convert Shankarabaranam into Kharaharapriya http://www.carnaticmusic.esmartmusic.com/primer/grahabedam.htm.

If you visualise a harmonium/keyboard infront of you. To me its simply a singer has changed its shruti rather singing on ( 1 , Sa ) he increased it to Re 2)
Shankarabharanam :S R2 G3 M1 P D2 N3 S
KharaharaPriya : S R2 G2 M1 P D2 N2 S
If we move the shruti from Sa to two kalai , we get most of the notes matches to karaharapriya except (G , M , N ). I cannot see a perfect match.

Probaly the best way is for someone to give us a good example of a line in a song . And kindly transfer it from Shankarabaranam to Karaharapriya ( with the Swaras and lyrics)

Thank you very much in advance
